There are so many things to touch at the beach. You can touch the sand, the water, the shells, and even the waves. We are so used to touching things we do every day that we don’t realize how special it is to touch them. When you feel the water, you can almost feel its texture. You can feel every little grain of sand between your fingers when you touch it. You can feel the shell in your hands and the ridges in the shells. It makes me wonder, what can touch at the beach?
So, what things can you touch on the beach? You can touch some natural things on the beach, like sand, pebbles, seaweed, and seashells. Also possible are things in the water at the beach like waves or a boat. If you are at a beach tidepool, you can touch crabs, starfish, and mussels. You can also touch many things while playing sports, like beach volleyball, a surfboard, or snorkeling equipment.
Being at the beach is a lot of fun. You can build sandcastles, play in the water, and eat yummy ice cream. But what’s fun is being able to touch and feel everything around you. When you touch something, you usually feel its texture. You can feel the texture of sand, water, and even the air.
![What Can You Touch at the Beach? 37 Surprising Things [You Can Feel] 1 What can you touch at the beach](
The beach is full of different textures. The sand is coarse, the water is soft, and the shells can be smooth or rough. The sand feels smooth and cool but warm and wet when you touch the water. The shells are soft and smooth, but they feel hard and scratchy when you pick them up.
Let’s take a look at what things you can touch at the beach, from the obvious things to the ones that perhaps you didn’t think about. Let’s get started!
What Are the 37 Surprising Things You Can Touch at The Beach?
The beach is where the sand is soft and warm, allowing you to explore nature in a new way. You can touch the ocean or feel the waves crashing onshore. You can touch the sand and feel it between your toes. It’s also a place to explore amazing natural things, like jellyfish or sea urchins.
On the Shore Naturally
1. Sand – Wet and Dry and In Your Shoes
2. Jellyfish
3. Sand Dollar
4. Seaweed dried on the shore
5. Seashells
6. Rocks or Pebbles
7. Driftwood
8. Beach Grass
9. Ocean Mist
10. Wind from The Ocean
11. Heat of The Sun on Your Skin
12. Sand Castle You Made
13. Sea Glass
14. Coral
In the Water on The Sea Shore
15. Waves Crashing on The Sand
16. Floating Seaweed
17. A Foam Block
18. A Boat
19. A Paddle
At a Beach Tidepool
20. Sea Urchin
21. Hermit Crab
22. Seaweed
23. Starfish
24. Rock Formations
25. Barnacles
26. Mussles
When Playing in The Water or Beach Sports
27. Beach Ball
28. Volleyball
29. Nerf Ball
30. Frisbee
31. Plastic Bucket and Shovel
32. Jetski
33. Surf Board
34. Boogie Board
35. Snorkeling Equipment
Your Family on The Beach
36. Your Partner’s Hand When Walking on The Beach Together
37. A Dog’s Fur and Paws
Things You Can Touch Naturally at The Seashore
You can touch beach items naturally on the shore, as they have rolled in with the waves and become stuck on the seashore. Let’s go over them!
Sand – Wet and Dry and In Your Shoes
There are different types of sand on beaches around the world. Some beaches have fine white sand, while some have coarse black sand. In addition, there are beaches where you can find both kinds of sand.
– Dry Sand is soft and squishy, which makes it easier to manipulate than rocks or shells.
-Wet sand can be hard and heavy.
– Sand is composed of tiny particles called silica. Silica is what makes glass and rocks.
– Fine white sand has small particles that make it easier to walk on.
– Coarse black sand makes walking difficult because it’s harder to move through.
Jellyfish often wash up on the beach. They’re known for stinging humans and animals alike. Jellyfish stingers contain a toxin called nematocyst, which causes severe pain and inflammation. They are invertebrate animals, meaning they do not have a backbone.
– They often live on coral reefs and rocky shores.
– They swim slowly through the water and use tentacles to catch prey.
– They’re found near shorelines and shallow waters.
– People should avoid swimming in areas where there are jellyfish.
– A person stung by a jellyfish may experience pain, redness, swelling, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, muscle cramps, and difficulty breathing.
Sand Dollar
Sand Dollars are small invertebrates found on beaches around the world. They are found all around the world. Some live in warm places while others live in cold climates.
– Sand dollars can survive in saltwater.
– Their name comes from the fact that they resemble tiny coins.
– There are different types of sand dollars depending on what part of the world they live in.
– Some sand dollars are very colorful and bright.
– Others are brownish and dull looking.
– Sand dollars can be found in places such as Florida, Hawaii, California, Australia, and New Zealand.
Seaweed Dried on The Shore
Many different types of seaweeds grow along the shoreline. Some people collect these seaweeds and use them as food. Others make jewelry from them. Still, others sell them to restaurants and grocery stores.
– Sea lettuce has been used to treat stomach ailments since ancient times.
– Kelp is often dried and sold as kelp noodles.
There are different types of shells on beaches around the world. Some people collect seashells while others use them as decorations.
– Shells are used for jewelry, art, and souvenirs.
– People often keep seashells as keepsakes.
– Collecting seashells is a good way to teach kids about the environment.
Rocks and Pebbles
Beach rocks are naturally occurring rocks found near beaches. They are typically large and round. However, they are sometimes broken or covered in barnacles.
– Beach pebbles are small rocks that are found on beaches around the world.
– Beach pebbles are often used as decoration on sandcastles.
– Beach pebbles are smooth and round.
– Beach pebbles are usually flat and oval-shaped.
– Beach pebbles are usually white, brown, black, gray, green, yellow, orange, pink, purple, blue, red, or combinations of these colors.
People near beaches sometimes collect driftwood to keep away from the sand. Sometimes people burn driftwood to clear land for farming. It washes up on shore in different sizes and shapes.
– Driftwood is one of the most common materials found along beaches.
– Some people collect driftwood for its beauty and artistic value.
– Others use driftwood to build furniture or outdoor sculptures.
Beach Grass
Beach grass is very common along the coastlines. One can find it growing on many beaches. There are wide different varieties.
– Beach grass looks similar to Bermuda grass used for golf courses.
– Beach grass does not grow in areas with too much salt water.
– Beach grass grows in wet sand and mud.
– Beach grass produces seeds that float on the ocean currents and eventually land on shorelines, where they germinate and grow.
Ocean Mist
Ocean mist or fog is when water particles in the air are combined with warmer air, and the result is a kind of smokey look. The water particles can be felt on the skin, making your clothes and skin wet.
– Put your hand into the ocean mist.
– You can feel the coolness of the ocean mist on your skin.
Wind from The Ocean
I’m going to describe how the wind blows on the ocean. First, let me explain what wind is. A breeze is a gentle flow of air caused by warm air rising above cold air. It happens when there is a temperature difference between two areas of the atmosphere. You can feel this air at the beach.
– There is an area where the air gets pushed into the sea and creates waves. These waves move through the water and push against the shoreline.
– As these waves hit the shoreline, they make sounds similar to thunder.
– Sometimes, there are big storms that produce very large waves. These waves can reach heights of 50 feet (15 meters).
– When these waves crash onto the shore, they can send spray flying into the air.
– Some people call this sound the roar of the surf.
Heat of The Sun on Your Skin
You’re at the beach enjoying the sun. You notice something strange about the heat as you lie there basking in its warmth. It feels different than usual, somehow hotter. What could it be?
– The sun’s heat is what you are feeling on your skin.
-In short doses, sunshine on your skin can be healthy and a source of vitamin D
– As the temperature rises, the heat can become uncomfortable. It’s also dangerous if you are not wearing sunscreen
Sand Castle You Just Made
Making a sand castle is a fun but sometimes lengthy project, and it makes it all the more fun that you are using your hand to make something great.
– Keep an eye on your kids while they play in the sand.
– Don’t let anyone else build castles near yours.
– Be careful when you walk through the sand.
– Take pictures of your creations.
Sea Glass
Sea Glass is found on beaches all around the world. It comes from old bottles, jars, and other containers once full of oil, gasoline, paint, or any other type of liquid. Over time, these items break apart and become sand and rock. It makes sea glass very unique and beautiful.
– Look for sea glass while walking along the shoreline.
– Keep an eye open for sea glass while visiting the beach.
– Collect sea glass and keep it in a special place where you can enjoy looking at it daily.
Coral is an amazing animal that lives on the ocean floor. It has been around for hundreds of millions of years. Some people think corals look beautiful, while others think they’re ugly. There are different types of coral, including stony coral, soft coral, and sea fans. Stony coral looks like rocks, and sea fans look like palm trees. Soft coral looks like jellyfish.
– Corals live in warm oceans where there is plenty of sunlight.
– Coral reefs provide homes for fish, crabs, lobsters, shrimp, clams, snails, sponges, starfish, eels, octopuses, turtles, and birds.
– Coral polyp skeletons are made of calcium carbonate.
– Coral that washes up on the shore is hard and often pale in color.
Things You Can Touch in The Water
Here are the things you can touch at the beach while in the water wading or swimming:
Waves Crashing on The Sand
Waves crashing on the shoreline is one of my favorite sights. I enjoy seeing the waves crash against the shore and watching the foam roll back into the ocean. I think that watching the waves is an amazing sight.
– Feeling the waves roll in on the sand and then roll back out is fantastic.
-You can feel the movement of the water, the foam in the water, and sometimes even the sand as it goes back out to sea.
Floating Seaweed
If you are in the water at the beach, you sometimes run into a bunch of floating seaweed. It is long and stringy, and the kelp has these large bulbs which help keep the seaweed floating.
A Foam Block
A foam block can often be seen floating in the water or washed up on the seashore. It can be from fishing nets that use to help float the nets or from a boat. They are often made of styrofoam.
A Boat
A boat is normally made of wood or plexiglass and can come in many shapes and sizes. They float on the water, and you can touch a boat in the water or on the seashore’s sand.
An Oar
An oar is used to propel a boat through the water, and there are normally two in each boat. They are long and almost always made of wood. You will touch this at the beach if you are rowing a boat.
What Can You Touch in A Beach Tidepool?
A beach tidepool is a small area of shallow water near the shore where waves continually wash in and out of the pool. Some animals that live in these pools are sea stars, crabs, and anemones.
Sea Urchin
Sea Urchins are small marine animals found along rocky shores around the world. They’re covered in spines and look kind of like an octopus. They feed on algae and seaweed, which makes them very nutritious. It is best not to touch a sea urchin in the tidepool.
Hermit Crab
Hermit crabs live in tide pools all around the world. Hermits are called because they spend most of their lives hiding under rocks. However, if there’s an opening in the rock where food comes into contact with the sand, hermit crabs will venture out to feed on it.
– Hermit crabs are very intelligent animals. They use tools to dig through mud and sand to find food.
– Hermit crab shells look similar to those of lobsters and shrimp.
Sea Anemone
A sea anemone has tentacles that look like arms. These tentacles are used to catch food.
– A sea anemone uses its tentacles to grab small animals such as crabs, shrimp, fish, worms, etc.
– Once the animal gets close enough to the sea anemone, the tentacles wrap around the prey and pull it into the sea anemone’s stomach, where it digests the food.
– Sea anemones can live anywhere there is saltwater. However, most sea anemones prefer warm temperatures and can live in tidepools.
Starfish are animals that live on the sea floor. They have five arms and look like stars. Some species of starfish have been known to grow up to two feet across.
– Starfish use their tentacles to move around on the ocean floor.
– Starfish feed on small organisms such as worms and shrimp.
– Starfish are often found near rocks where they can hide from predators.
Tidepool Rock Formations
These rocks form on beaches all around the world. A tidepool is formed when waves push sand into cracks and crevices in the rocks. As the tide goes out, the water recedes, leaving behind seawater pools.
– Tidepools are found along rocky shores with a lot of wave action.
– Tidepool rocks are often covered in algae and sea creatures such as crabs, clams, snails, starfish, and urchins.
Barnacles are animals that live on rocks and shells. They look like small crabs. They attach themselves to surfaces using tiny hooks called cirri. These hooks allow them to move around easily.
– Barnacles tend to stick together in groups called colonies.
– Barnacles are often mistaken for mussels.
Mussels are filter feeders. They use their tentacles to catch food particles floating near the ocean’s surface. Then they suck these food particles into their bodies through tiny holes in their shells.
– Mussels are often found attached to rocks or seaweed.
How to Touch Tidepool Creatures
When exploring tidepools, it is important to remember that the animals inside are living creatures and should be treated with respect. Here are some tips on how to safely touch tidepool creatures:
Sea urchins are covered in tiny claw-like pincers called pedicellariae. If you see one, leave it alone! Sea urchins won’t attack you, but because they live in shallow water and like to hide near rocks, you could step on or touch one accidentally.
If you do get stung by a sea urchin, don’t panic! Seek medical attention if the symptoms persist for more than a few hours. Sea urchin stings can cause swelling, redness, pain in the area where the sea urchin was touched, muscle spasms, and cramping.
What Can You Touch on The Beach when Doing Activities?
Some activities you can do on the beach include playing in the sand, playing in the water or doing some water sports or playing sports on the beach. Let’s go over what you can touch on the beach while playing or doing these activities.
What Can You Touch when Playing Sports?
Beach Ball
A beach ball is normally made of plastic and then inflated. It comes in different colors and sizes, but it is commonly taken to the beach by families.
Beach volleyball is a sport that uses a round ball and is played where two teams try to hit a ball over a net.
– There are four players on each team.
– Each player has one hand holding the ball and another hand hitting the ball.
Nerf Ball
This nerf ball is cool. I think anyone who loves the beach can enjoy nerf ball.
– A nerf ball is an inflatable ball that bounces around on the ground.
– It comes in different colors and sizes.
– Kids can throw them into the air and catch them again.
You touch a frisbee while playing catch with friends at the beach. A frisbee is a round disk, normally made of plastic.
– Catching a frisbee requires coordination and strength.
– Catch a frisbee with both hands.
– Throw the frisbee into the air.
– Catch it in your hand.
– Toss it back into the air.
Plastic Bucket and Shovel
You will touch a plastic bucket and shovel when playing at the beach and building a sand castle.
A jetski is designed to ride over the water while sitting down. It looks similar to a motorcycle but doesn’t have wheels. You hold onto the handlebars with both hands and accelerate to ride them.
Surf Board
When you are in the water and want to surf a wave, a surfboard is what you use. I use both hands to push myself through waves to surf on a surfboard. I hold onto the surfboard using both hands and stand upright on my surfboard with my legs spread apart. I am standing on top of the surfboard.
Boogie Board
Boogie boards are waterproof boards you lay down on when in the water and try to ride waves. Although boogie boards have been around for a long time, they’re still amazing and used by people at the beach.
Snorkeling Equipment
Snorkeling equipment can include these items, and you are touching them when in the water.
– A mask and snorkel.
– Waterproof gloves.
– A flotation belt.
What Can You Touch on The Beach when You Are with Your Family?
Your Partner’s Hand When Walking on The Beach Together
Holding hands is a sweet gesture, but it’s even more fun when you’re at the beach. You can touch the sand, water, and your partner’s hand at the beach. These beaches are fun to visit and can be a fun place to explore. If you’re at the beach, consider visiting a beach where you can touch the sand, the water, and your partner’s hand.
A Dog’s Fur and Paws
You can touch a dog’s fur and paws at the beach if you take it with you. Dogs love the beach as much as humans, and everyone can have fun if you follow the beach rules.
Final Thoughts
So there you have it, some things you can touch at the beach. I’ve covered natural things you can touch at the beach, what you can touch at a tidepool, and the kinds of things you touch when you are doing activities at the beach. Did any of these items surprise you? It’s amazing to consider what you can touch on the beach, and I’m sure there are even more items I could list.