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27 Beach Travel Tips for Beginners: [Surprising Best] Tricks, Hacks, Tips

The beach is a lot of fun during the summer season. When you are at the beach for a day, a weekend, or even an extended vacation, it’s a good idea to know some beach travel tips for beginners to ensure you’re prepared. You will want to bring along many things, and it’s important to be prepared for your trip to the beach, especially if it’s your first time. It makes me wonder, what are some common beach travel tips for beginners?

Some common beach travel tips for beginners cover things like what to pack to the beach for a day trip, what to pack for an extended week-long vacation, what you should put in your beach bag, should you take a beach chair and umbrella, are among the first tips and hacks. Also, some tips like how to make yourself look amazing, how long to stay at the beach, and what to do if you get stung by a jellyfish make the list of 27.

Probably one of the first things you hear if you plan to go to the beach is to use sunscreen, and quickly followed by that is to take a bottle of water. They are so basic that it is worth addressing this upfront so that they are automatically part of your trip. 

beach travel tips for beginners tips, tricks hacks

When it comes to sunscreen, apply adequate sunscreen even on cloudy days to protect yourself from sunburn and, in the long run, from skin disease. According to the EVPA, they suggest “Remember to apply sunscreen on sunless days, too, because as much as 40 percent of the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays reaches our planet even on a cloudy day.” (Source)

YouTube Video of Travel to Bora Bora

YouTube Video by Travoh which shows how beautiful Bora Bora can be. Take the tips in this article and plan your trip to Bora Bora!

Regarding hydration – keeping enough water in your body from dehydrating – water is essential. However, according to an article in PubMed Central about Water, Hydration, and Health, it is possible to get up to 20% of your water requirements from high-water foods like strawberries, watermelon, cantaloupe and other fruits as they are made up of almost 90% water. (Source)

Going on a beach trip for the first time is exciting, and keeping that excitement even on your trip gives you peace of mind if you are well prepared. I’ll cover 23 (and more) tips and hacks to make your trip fun and memorable. In addition, I’ll look at a scenario profile of Rick, a 19-year-old college student visiting Florida for the first time. Let’s see what decisions he makes for his beach travel. 

I’ll cover these things and a lot more, so stick around and keep reading; you won’t want to miss it!

How Do You Go to The Beach for The First Time 

Choose a Beach

There are dozens of sandy beaches to choose from – American beach vacation destinations and even more international beach vacation destinations. However, not all beaches are created equal – so it’s important to do your research before choosing one. Almost every beach has beautiful water (blue water, turquoise, or some shade in between). I’ve often written that the right beach for you is the beach that matches what you want to do at the beach. Start by deciding what you hope to do at the beach, and then make sure the beach offers it.

Are You Going for A One-Day Trip or A Week or More Vacation?

One-day trips are great for people who want to see the highlights of a city or town, while weeklong vacations allow for more exploration and relaxation.

If this is your first beach trip or vacation, you will pack and make preparations differently depending on which type of beach trip you are going on.

Beach travel tips drink lots of water use water bottles

Use Spray Sunscreen and Wear Sunglasses

Nothing can ruin your beach day or vacation faster than a bad sunburn. Use sunscreen lotion or spray sunscreen right from the start so you won’t be stuck with a painful sunburn that hurts every time you move. Additionally, wear sunglasses to protect your eyes. 

The One Thing I Learned From My First Beach Trip to Hawaii

Comfortable shoes. It’s best to have a pair for walking around the sights and one pair you can use on the beach that can get wet and sandy. 

My first beach vacation was to Honolulu, Hawaii, when I was 17 and had just graduated from high school. My best friend and I saved enough to pay for the trip and were excited to be on the beach in Waikiki. 

Long story short, my pair of sneakers didn’t work well for the sandy beach, and once they were wet, it was super uncomfortable to walk around the tourist attractions in wet shoes. Lesson learned – take some comfortable shoes for walking and some sandals that can get wet or sandy. 

Beginner Tips – Before You Get to The Beach – Planning, Packing, and Preparations – Beach Trip Tips


Tip #1 – What Should I Pack for A Day at The Beach

For a day at the beach, the basic packing list in the table above is a great start. Depending on what you are going to do at the beach, you can expand it to include:

–sports or water equipment (depending on the activity)

–food and snacks and cold water

–a book or magazine

Tip #2 – What Should I Put in My Beach Bag? Beach Towel, Swimsuit, Sunscreen, and Beach Hat

When traveling to the beach, I’ve found it useful to divide items into my backpack, which I carry with me at all times, and a bigger beach bag or tote bag. I simply put the bigger items in my beach bag like:


— Refreshments

— Food 

— Sports equipment

— Books or magazines

Tip #3 – What About a Beach Umbrella and Beach Chairs?

The ideal would be to rent a beach umbrella or beach chairs as it eliminates the need to carry it there and back. It is a comfort to have them when on the beach. However, it would help if you weighed the advantages of having comfort compared to carrying them to and from the beach. 

In most cases, you can survive without a beach umbrella and chairs. 

Tip #4 – What Is the Best Time of Day to Go to Beach

The best time of day to go to the beach is typically in the morning or late afternoon. The weather is usually cooler, and fewer people are on the beach.

-Mornings and evenings tend to be quieter than midday.

-Mornings and evenings tend to be warmer than midday.

-If the weather is nice, any time is a good time to go to the beach.

Tip #5 – Can You Bring a Blanket to The Beach

Yes, you can bring a blanket to the beach. However, be aware that there may be restrictions on what type of blanket you can bring. For example, some beaches may not allow blankets with certain images or words. Additionally, some beaches may not allow blankets at all. It’s always best to check with the beach municipality before you go to know exactly what is allowed and prohibited.

Tip #6 – What Kind of Food Should I Bring to The Beach

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best food for a beach vacation will vary depending on the person and their particular preferences. However, some general tips that may be useful include packing light and eating healthy foods that are easy to transport and eat. Some examples of healthy foods enjoyed at the beach include fruits, vegetables, yogurt, and granola bars.

Tips for Beginners when They Are on The Beach – The Best Beach Hacks for Going to The Beach

Tip #7 – What Are Some Things to Do at The Beach?

There are many things to do at the beach, and everyone has their favorite activities. Some popular options include swimming, sunbathing, walking on the beach, playing in the waves, and eating seafood. Sports activity options are playing beach volleyball, surfing, kayaking, kitesurfing, and boating, to name just a few.

The best way to enjoy the beach is to find something you love and stick with it. If you’re a fan of swimming, swim all day long! If you like sunbathing but want to try something new every day, go for a walk on the beach at sunset. And if you’re an avid seafood lover, stop by one of the restaurants near the water’s edge for some delicious seafood dishes. The endless possibilities – just are sure to pack your sunscreen and hats.

Tip #8 – How Can I Look Amazing on The Beach

Looking amazing on the beach can be difficult, especially if you are not used to hot beach weather. However, there are a few things that you can do.

— Have the right clothing – shorts, t-shirts, sandals, and walking shoes. Avoid denim blue jeans and heavy materials. I wrote an article about whether it is practical or fashionable to wear denim blue jeans on the beach. Check it out: Is Wearing Jeans to the beach Ok? The Answer, Plus 8 Tips. I also wrote about how good Crocs are at the beach. If interested, read it here: Are Crocs Good For The Beach?  

—Make use of accessories – hats, light jewelry like bracelets, and sunglasses enhance your look

— Smile and be in a good mood!

These tips will help you look great no matter where you are on the beach.

beach vacation tips for beginners take things for you to relax on the beach

Tip #9 – How Do You Relax on The Beach

Relaxation is an essential part of any beach trip, and there are a few things you can do to help you get into the relaxing mindset.

Some simple tips for relaxation on the beach include:

– Taking a dip in the ocean

– Sipping on some refreshing drinks while listening to soothing music

– Spending time in the sun or shade

– Playing some games or swimming in the waves

There are many ways to relax and enjoy your beach trip, so find what works best for you. Just remember to take it easy and have fun!

Tip #10 – How Do I Enjoy Myself at The Beach

To have a great time at the beach, start by ensuring you’re prepared. Here are some tips for beginners:

-pack sunscreen and hats

-bring water bottles and snacks

-bring a blanket 

-let someone know where you’re going and when you’ll be back

-be aware of the weather conditions – the sun can be very strong!

There’s nothing like spending a day at the beach, but it can be tough to enjoy yourself if you don’t prepare properly. Pack sunscreen, hats, drinks, food, and more so that you can truly relax and soak up the sun. When it comes time to leave, let someone know where you’re headed and when you’ll be back, so they don’t worry about you. And lastly, keep an eye on weather conditions – sometimes storms roll in quickly at the beach.

Tip #11 – What Are Some Things to Do if You Get Stung by A Jellyfish?

If you get stung by a jellyfish, the best thing to do is wash the area where it stung with soap and water. You may need to go to the hospital if the pain is severe. I wrote an article about jellyfish washing up on the beach, which covers what to do if you get stung. If interested, check it out: Why Do Jellyfish Wash up On the Beach?

Tip #12 – What Are Some Things to Do if There Is a Thunderstorm?

If there is a thunderstorm, it is important to stay indoors and avoid being outside. If you must be outside, bring a raincoat and an umbrella. Also, keep an eye on the weather forecast to know when the storm will end. If it rains, check out my article about what activities you can do Rainy Day Beach Activities: Rainy Day Ideas For The Beach.

Tip #13 – Where Do You Put Your Belongings on The Beach 

When packing for a beach vacation, it is important to remember that you will be exposing your belongings to the sun and sand. To protect your belongings (like a mobile phone), follow these tips:

—Place items that are fragile or that you don’t want to get sand on them in a separate bag.

–Make sure all your bags (backpack, tote, etc.) are sealed shut and double-checked for any loose objects before packing them away.

—Place heavier items at the bottom of your bag, so they don’t pull everything else down while you’re walking.

—If you want to go swimming in the ocean, it is best to have someone with your stay on the blanket or stay close to your bags so that they are not stolen. 

Tip #14 – What Are Some Things to Eat and Drink at The Beach?

There are many things to eat and drink at the beach, but some of the most popular choices include sand dollars, hamburgers, ice cream, and frozen drinks.

Tip #15 – What Do You Do with Your Phone at The Beach

There are a few things to keep in mind when you’re at the beach:

–The first thing is to keep it out of the sand and water! 

–Make sure to bring a charger – even if your phone is fully charged, chances are you’ll run out of juice by the time you get to the beach.

–Take some photos! Download some fun apps – like Beach Camera that help you take amazing photos while on vacation.

–Make sure to put your phone away when you’re not using it – whether that means keeping it in your bag or charging it up before leaving home.

Tip #16 – How Long Should You Stay at The Beach

There is no set length for how long you should stay at the beach, as it depends on various factors. For example, if the weather is hot and sunny, you may want to stay longer than if the weather is cold and rainy.

Some people like to spend all day at the beach because they enjoy swimming and sunbathing. Other people may only want to spend a few hours at the beach before returning home. It’s up to you how long you want to spend at the beach – just make sure you spend enough time in each area, so you don’t get bored!

Check out my article on this topic: How Long Do You Spend at The Beach? Plus Some Example Scenarios!

Tips for Beginners – What to Do After Being on The Beach – Best Beach Vacation Hacks

Tip #17 – Should You Shower After Being in The Ocean

Many believe showering after being in the ocean is necessary to avoid getting sick. However, there is no solid evidence to support this claim. 

The main reason why people think showering after being in the ocean is necessary is because of the high concentration of saltwater on your skin. Showering after being in the ocean can help you remove all the salt from your skin, reducing your chances of your skin drying out.

From my experience, I feel a little sticky and itchy if I don’t shower with sweet (no salt) water. 

Tip #18 – What Are Some Things to Bring Home from The Beach?

When you go on vacation, it’s important to pack as lightly as possible while still bringing your essentials. Here are some things to bring home with you from the beach:

— All your belongings

— Dispose of trash in the trash receptacles. If not, consider taking a plastic bag of trash back with you to keep the beach clean

— Seashells – You can collect shells of all shapes, sizes, and colors. 

— Driftwood – Depending on the beach laws, you can take driftwood from the beach to use as art pieces, for instance. Check out my article Can You Take Driftwood From The Beach?

— Beach rocks and pebbles – Nothing like a perfect beach pebble, round, smooth, and colorful. Find out how to clean and polish them here: How to Polish Beach Stones without A Tumbler?

Tip #19 – Drink Water – Avoid Dehydration After a Day at The Beach

Drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration, which can cause headaches, dizziness, and even fainting. Dehydration can also lead to muscle cramps and fatigue.

When it’s hot out, and you’re spending hours at the beach sunning yourself, be sure to drink plenty of water! Not only will this help avoid any nasty dehydration symptoms, but it’ll also keep you hydrated and energized all day. And if you get a headache or feel a little lightheaded – don’t worry – these are all signs that your body is fighting off dehydration. But remember: Drink more than you think you need – especially if it’s humid outside!

Putting on some lip balm doesn’t hurt if your lips feel dry. 

Tip #20- Get All the Beach Sand out Of Your Clothes and Gear

It’s easy to forget about beach sand after spending hours soaking up the sun and swimming in the ocean. But just because you’re done with the water doesn’t mean you’re finished with the sand.

Even though you might feel fine now, you still need to remove the sand from your clothes and gear. Here’s how to do it: Shake your clothes outside and put them in the washing machine. For sports and beach gear, shake them out, hose them down outside, or wipe them with a wet cloth. 

beach vacation tips beach bag essentials

Scenario #1 for Beginners – Travel Tips for A Day at The Beach

Packing for The Beach for Just a Day Trip

When planning a day trip to the beach, it’s important to bring only what you need. Use the basic packing table above as a guide. You can take more, but keep in mind that you need to move it around, so keep it to a minimum. 

Tip #21 – Beach Safety for Beginners

Beach safety for beginners is important to remember no matter where you are on the beach. Here are some tips to follow:

– Use common sense when swimming, sunbathing, and playing in the water.

– Never swim near rocks or cliffs, and stay away from strong currents.

Tip #22 – Beach Activities to Do on A One-Day Trip

There are a lot of different things that you can do when you’re visiting the beach on a day trip. Some popular activities include swimming, sunbathing, and playing in the sand. You are limited only by time if you are on a one-day trip to the beach

Swimming is a great way to cool off during summer days. Sunbathing is a great way to relax and enjoy the warm weather. And playing in the sand is just plain fun! Whether you’re looking for ideas for a short or a long trip, there’s something for everyone to enjoy at the beach.

Scenario #2 for Beginners – Travel Tips – For a Week Beach Vacation – Beach Vacation Tips

Tip #23 – Packing for the One Week or Longer Beach Vacation Trip

Start with the basic packing list above. 

You will need to add some items, but in my experience, it is mostly clothes that need to be added, not extra gadgets and beach gear. There may be a need to take a few beach chairs or beach umbrellas; if that is important to you, there should be room in the luggage to take it. These days, there are smaller and foldable umbrellas, so all things are possible. 

It can be tricky, as you don’t want to bring too much stuff and waste space in your suitcase. Here are some packing tips to help make the process easier.

When packing for a beach vacation, it’s important to remember that you’ll likely be spending most of your time outside. Packing lightly is important so you can move around more easily and avoid getting sand in your clothes. Consider packing sunscreen, insect repellent, swim gear, and towels. Although water is important, pack your bottled waters once you arrive at the destination. Pack all your clothes in one bag so that everything is easy to find when you need it. Finally, keep in mind that beaches often have strict rules about what type of clothing is allowed on the beach.

Tip #24 -Check the Weather Forecast Before You Go

Checking the weather forecast can help you plan your vacation in advance by ensuring that you know whether or not it will be safe to travel to the beach. Knowing the weather conditions can also help you avoid any potential disruptions to your trip.

Before you go, it’s important to check the weather forecast and ensure it will be safe for travel. Knowing the conditions ahead can help you decide when is a good time to go and avoid unforeseen problems.

Weather forecasts are often updated multiple times a day, so always check for updates before deciding whether or not to travel.

By checking the weather forecast, you’ll be able to make informed decisions about what clothes and accessories you’ll need and whether or not there will be any road closures.

Planning a trip during peak season (i.e., summertime) may also be worth considering traveling during off-peak hours when traffic is lighter, and roads are more likely to be clear.

Tip #25 -Find a Good Spot to Set up Your Beach Umbrella

If you brought a beach umbrella, setting up your beach umbrella can be a hassle if you don’t know where to find a good spot.

Finding a good spot to set up your beach umbrella can be tricky, but it’s worth it if you want to avoid getting wet. Also, try to find a good anchor for your umbrella. I wrote an article just about this topic – How to Anchor a Beach Umbrella (and Keep It from Blowing Away).

Tip #26 -What if It Rains? Making the Best of A Rainy Day at The Beach

If it rains while you’re at the beach, don’t panic! You can do a few things to make the most of your day. First and foremost, stay dry. Bring along an umbrella if it starts to rain heavily, and cover up as much as possible when you’re out in the sun. If there’s a pool or ocean nearby that you can go to for some wet fun, that’ll be great too! And lastly, don’t forget your sunscreen – even if it’s cloudy. A little protection will go a long way to staying healthy and having fun in the rain.

Here are some ideas of what to do during a rainy day on the beach: HERE

Tip #27 -Insect Bite Relief Treatment

Certain insects thrive in warm climates, and others prefer cooler environments. Some bugs bite humans while others bite animals. Most bites are harmless, but some can lead to infection.

Here are some common beach insect bites and treatments for each type.

Sand Fleas: These tiny insects usually appear in summer, especially after heavy rains. Sand fleas are found along beaches and sand dunes. Their bite causes itching and irritation. There is no treatment for sand fleas, but calamine lotion can relieve the itch.

Mosquitoes: Mosquitoes are bloodsucking insects that carry diseases like malaria and the West Nile virus. They breed in stagnant water and feed off of humans and animals. Apply an anti-itch lotion. 

Bee and wasp stings are similar to mosquito bites, except they tend to be less severe and don’t always result in painful sores. Wasp stings typically hurt worse than mosquito bites, but they rarely require medical attention. Antihistamine and hydrocortisone cream can relieve the discomfort associated with wasp stings.

Where Does Rick Decide to Go and What Does He Pack for His One-Week Trip? 

Let’s consider the scenario profile of Rick, a 19-year-old college student taking time off from working to travel on his own to the beach for a week. Rick is a “do it yourself” type of guy, and his approach to deciding is to do as much research as possible. Since Rick has never been to any Florida beach before, he wants to know what to bring and avoid on his first trip to Florida. Rick will research what to pack for a trip to Florida. He will find many websites with information about what to bring on his trip to the beach. At the same time, Rick will look at some articles to see what other first-time travelers to Florida have packed and what he should avoid packing. While doing research, Rick will keep a list of his goals and needs for his trip to the beach.

Here are some things he needs to consider:

Rick’s first solo trip to the beach is week-long, so he must pack accordingly. 

As he is planning his trip alone, he needs to ensure he has everything he needs. Rick wants to ensure that his trip is relaxing and fun, so he needs good quality beach gear and lightweight items.

Rick’s other plan while in Florida is to go kayaking with a group of his coworkers. He needs to make sure that he packs his beach bag with things that work well for the beach and activities he likes to do while there. If Rick goes kayaking as well, he needs to make sure that he packs his beach bag with items that work well for both activities.

Finally, Rick needs to ensure that he packs his beach bag so that everything is compact and easy to carry.

Parting Shot

So there you have it, some tips about beach travel for beginners. I’ve covered the packing list for a beginner’s beach trip and described some beginner’s tips, hacks, and ideas to be on the beach and what to do after the beach. Additionally, we looked at two scenarios, the first for a day or weekend beach trip and the second if going on a beach vacation for a week or longer.

Additionally, we’ve looked at some scenarios for different situations for beach travelers.

The best thing you can do as a beginner has a good plan and then get moving to implement it. These tips above should provide a good base for your beach trip. Enjoy!